Free Online Babysitting Course With Certificate

So, you want to start a babysitting business but don’t have any money to spend.

Either you can’t afford to make the necessary purchases (which I don’t believe), or you are just too stingy to spend it even though it’s for your own business.

Sounds unfair to me.

Well, I have spent my 6 hours to work on this post. I know, it was quite a long time.

These 6 hours included, 3 times of 3 in 1 Nescafé.

1 hour for breakfast, and 1 break for lunch.

And 15 minutes jogging with my new shoes.

Together with an hour spent on YouTube while looking for information, I ended up watching some music, which, I know, can be easily disruptive. Again, with my gf that is easily upset if I don’t reply to her WhatsApp.

So, everything was working against me, but I am committed to finish researching this post this afternoon. Well, my time was worth it.

I did found some babysitting training classes that cost nothing. They are free of charge.

The free training I choose, only offered by Red Cross, is designed primarily for the U.S. region.

I am not sure if there are other free trainings available from other groups.

Well, I have not found any, and if I did find them, I still would not put them on this list because of how widely known the American Red Cross Group is.

Most free training programs do not provide certification

Well of course.

They need to print, make a copy, use ink and buy hard papers to make your certification.

All of that requires money, and they give it to you free of charge?

It’s the Red Cross. We are the ones who should be giving money to them actually.

What you will found below is list of free trainings that have already been held before.

It’s a list of class meeting. I know, there is no need for me to list it below if it’s already taken place.

But the idea is, at least we know that the Red Cross does provide free training at a certain time.

And, each of the selected links below have contact number and email where you can easily ask them if there are any free classes available soon.

Or maybe, you can ask their Expo Exhibition.

And after you did. Just come along. Because according to the list below, when they do attend an Expo or a public meeting they will run some free training too.

The free trainings usually cover topics such as how to deal with disaster, but still some of topics discussed will be CPR and safety awareness.

Best List Free Training Classes by the Red Cross

Free training for Youth

This special FAP training design for K-12 youth level. It’s a 3-hour workshop, focusing on youth and ensuring that they know what to do if something bad happens in their communities, homes or even school. IT provides training so that they know how to react fast. Click link above to sign up for the workshop.

Courses Free of Charge

This free training for youth level and above emphasizes the need to reach out to as many of public as they can to share safety awareness knowledge. The class is called Be Red Cross Ready.

Again, it’s a training about how to react in a Disaster, along with training in some CPR and First Aid knowledge.

This link is to a complete list by the Red Cross of any free training that is planned by them. You can just select which one you prefer and don’t forget to register.

Red Cross Hands-Only CPR Free Class at Health and Fitness Expo

This is what I meant above, when I mentioned that the Red Cross would participate in an expo or run a public meeting, and they will run free classes for 30 minutes.

If you are lucky, it will focus on babysitting.

If not, they will offer information about disaster safety awareness. But still, have some CPR and First Aid programs that you can follow.

Free training for disaster awareness.

Emma Reim acts as a Coordinator of one of the free trainings on disaster awareness.

We contacted Emma by email, but unfortunately, it seems like that her listed email in no longer in service. You may have to contact the numbers listed on that page.

Disaster and Hands-on CPR

Free Workshops to Help Your Organization Survive a Crisis

Red Cross Offers Free T-Shirts and Discount Training


Well, I know, it’s not free. But at least you get it 15% cheaper than the normal price for a serious training. (Only available to people in Colorado)

For a complete list of available Red Cross trainings, please continue reading as I do offer some paid babysitting plan courses that you can try below.

Again, most of the above free trainings don’t provide any certification for you.

If you do want a certificate as approval for your business, you may need to consider some paid training classes.

Do you really want to participate in a course and get your certificate?

Yes, of course.

It’s good for your business.

According to the American Red Cross survey, by putting certification on your resume, your chance of being hired will increase when compared with someone who doesn’t.

Because according to the surveyed 77% of parents with children younger than 17 years old, teenagers should get some training before they begin babysitting.

80% of parents also agreed that a certified babysitter should be paid more.

But I’m shocked because the survey also found that nearly 30% of parents rejected potential sitters because of safety concerns. It should be 100%.

This post is Applicable for UK and Canada, too.

We are trying to make this post applicable for many regions outside the U.S., for example Canada, and UK. But, if you are outside of these three countries.

Please don’t hesitate to mail us, or just leave some comments with your location and your preferred type of babysitting courses.

We will try to locate some places and links for you, if we can find it.

We will be adding a post for Australian very soon.

Paid Babysitting Course

1. Any course available on babysitting/cpr Course list - There are many courses available here, but just choose the Babysitting Course instead. 2. To reach the main central hub of the Red Cross in the United States. According with their website, they have three types of courses that you can choose.

  1. Babysitting Basic Online - $29
  2. Advanced Child Care Training - $49
  3. Babysitting Training Class - $85

No .2 above, Advanced Child Care Training is a course that you can take online, too.

The different between these two is, for advanced it focuses more on the outdoor environment.

How you tackle child behavior and discipline, for example. Throughout learning, you will be presented with an animated virtual environment. Basic Babysitting at $29 is the course that you need to start with.

Even though, maybe there will be more varied topics of trainings out there compared with this. But, who can doubt it if it is run by the Red Cross? At such an affordable price.

Plus, you do get a printable certificate with the completion of this program.

Below is the exact screenshot from the Red Cross’ website about their Basic Babysitting Online training.

Next up, the 3rd. Babysitting Training Classes. These still can be considered affordable compared with what you get during training.

If you are in the U.S., when you are browsing this “take a class” page from the Red Cross, they will ask you to fill in your postcode, so they can easily detect your location and direct you exactly where the nearest classes available.

These classes mostly run on Saturday (It looks like every Saturday for Washington D.C.).

For Canadians who want participate in the Babysitting Training Class above, please use this link. For UK citizens, please use this link.

With British Red Cross, It’s Even Better

You know what, at British Red Cross’ page they even provide some instructional videos explaining some normal situations that arise while babysitting. It’s around 1 minute long and consists of quite a number of video examples that you can refer to. For example, I choose Asthma Attack and Choking baby.

Use this link to access all the videos.

Looks very informative! It will definitely work as added to your skills, right?

Last But Not Least.

Please download Red Cross’ mobile app below.

It’s super useful,

Below the video was an introduction from Google Playstore pages.

I downloaded (stole) it myself so that I could provide a much better explanation for you guys. If I get any complaints about it, I will delete it ASAP. So, watch it now.

First Aid - American Red Cross - Android Apps on Google Play

We highly recommend you read this!

Other post made that we think are good as references


If you have more, please don’t hesitate to email us and suggest more so we can share your ideas with your fellow readers, we can all benefit when we work together.

Testimonials on the Red Cross Babysitting Training

Please leave your comments and concerns about this.

And thanks for reading this to its end.

Great Resources To Start Participate

Contact your fire department and ask them, example below:

Mokena Public Education Classes for CPR - 2 times per month

Babysitter Training Conducted by Santa Clara County Fire Department

City of Edgewater Community Education


  1. October 20, 2015
    • October 21, 2015

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